SZUŠ VIVA na workshopoch
Workshopov sa zúčastnia naši starší tanečníci. docent na CODARTS, Rotterdam, Holandsko Dance Training 1962-1968 ~ basic ballet training at: Stedelijke Leergangen voor Ballet’ Antwerpen since1968 ~ professionaltraining all over Europe - teachers: Andrej Glegolski, Piortr Nardelli (ballet), Georges Tugdual, Clay Talliaferro, Larry Richardson, Clive Thompson, Robert North, Gerald Otte, Susanna Hayman Chaffey (modern dance), Lynn Simonson, Alvin McDuffie, Matt Mattox, Donald McKayle, Walter Nicks, Michael Owens, Lynn McMurrey, Ernst Duplan, Vanoy Aikens,(jazz dance) 1980-1982 ~ Dance training in New York –teachers: Walter Raines, Zena Romett, Nancy Mikota, Jocelyn Lorenz (ballet), Milton Myers, Anne-Marie Forsythe, (Horton) Louis Falco, Jennifer Muler, Nina Wiener, Bill Gornell, Tim Buckley, Bebe Miller, (modern), Lynn Simonson, Alvin McDuffie, Patricia Soriero (jazz dance) 1991 ~ Two months New-York, training with: Milton Meyers, Anne-Marie Forsythe, Max Stone and Lynn Simonson 1972-1976~ University of Brussels (Belgium), Department of Physical education, Masters Degree Sports and Movement Sciences 1968-1981 ~ touring Belgium, Holland, Switzerland and Denmark,with ’Pro Arte Gymnastica’ (director; Jac Delsing) ~ Dancing in several TV- productions ~ dancing in workshopproductions with Clive Thomps, Alvin McDuffie, Lynn Simonson and Matt Mattox 1982 ~ dancing in own choreography in New-York ~ Dancing with Jeni Breen at Eden’s Expressway andwith Lynn Simonson at Choreoground theatre (New-York) 1982-1985 ~ dancing with ‘Shades of Style’ touring Belgium ~ artistic director and choreographer of dance company ‘Shades of Style’ , Belgian touring 1983-1986 ~ workshop for young choreographers at ’Het Koninklijk Ballet van Vlaanderen’ Antwerp (Belgium) 1984 ~ ’Decoy’ (Miles Davis, Shankar) for Djazzex modern-jazz-dance company ~ ‘Bal Masqué’ ( Flairck ) theater production 1987~ ’Pluterdag’ contemporary opera for the Belgian television, winner of the ‘Palm d’Or’at the international broadcas-tingfestival in Prague.(Director Jacques Servaes, music Louis Maréchal) ~ ’Jerry’s Girls’ (Jerry Herman) for ’Het Koninklijk Ballet van Vlaanderen’ (directory Harry Kümmel) ~ ’Continuum’ (Steve Reich), danceproject Antwerp ~ ’ ’T Witte Paard te Blankenberg’, summershow (Belgium) 1988 ~ ’Syncopated Heartbeats’(Ella Fitzgerald) for Djazzex modern-jazzdance company ~ ’Bopbe’(Dizzy Gillespie) for Djazzex modern-jazzdance company 1989 ~ ’Princeheerlijk’(Prince) for the Rotterdam dance Academy ~ ’Bolero”(Maurice Ravel played by the ’Vlaams Filham-nic orchestra’ for Free Art Dancecompany (Belgium) ~ ’’T Witte Paard te Blankenbergh’summer show(Belgium) 1990 ~ ’When colours play’ (Miles Davis) for Staten Ballethogs-kole, Oslo ( Norway ) 1990 continued ~ ‘Rapastische’ ( Ice-T ) for Free Art Dance Company ( B ) ~ ‘Nocha Latina’ ( K. Hanrahan ) for The Rotterdam Dance ~ ’Beat around the Bench’ ( Miles Davis ) for the Rotterdam Dance Academy (Music; The Chain Gang Director; Stijn Coninckx, Script; Paul koek ) 1991~ ’Les Noces’ ( Igor Stravinsky)DirectorJacques Servaes,Produced for the national Belgian television, special jury-Nomination at the Italia-tv-competition in Rome and at the Filmfestival Cannes in France ~ ’De zomer van ’45 ’, dance sequences in a drama series for, The Dutch national television ~ Filmcommercial Generale Bank,Director: Stijn Conincks ~ ’Little Wing’ (Jimmi Hendrix) for the ”Hoger Instituut voor Dans en Danspedagogiek”, Antwerp (B) ~ ’Get Here’ (Oleta Adams) for HIDD, Antwerp, (B) 1992 ~ ’Dance 4-ever’ contribution to an educational theatershow of ’Het Folkloristisch Danstheater’ , Amsterdam (NL) ~ ’Clap, Snap & Go!’(live percussion) for the SKVR, Rotterdam 1993~ ’Diamantwerpen’ ( Frédéric Dailly, script: David Cohn ) Performed in Theater Lex, Antwerpen (Belgium) ~ ’Ziggjazzin’ (Trilok Gurtu) for the Rotterdam dance academy 1994 ~ ’And Then, thunder came rumbling out of the sky ’ (Cassandra Wilson) for the Rotterdam Dance Academy 1995 ~ ’Con3Version’ (Frankie Douglas) for the LCA, Utrecht (NL) 1996 ~ ’Masters Voices’ (Bo Spaenc) for Djazzex modern-jazzdance company, Den-Haag (NL) ~ ’Bellissimo’(Jayne Cortez) for The Rotterdam Dance Academy 1997 ~ ’We Insist’ (Max Roach) for Companhia Danza Contemporena, Setubal (Portugal) 1999~ ’Scratch Nina’ (Nina Simone) for the ‘Havo voor Muziek&Dans’ Rotterdam (NL) 2000 ~ ’Rahzelmattazz’ (Rahzel , Greg Smith) for the Rotterdam Dance Academy ~ ’RAPNUMBERSEVENANDNINE’ (The Last Poëts) for the Rotterdam Dance Academy 2001~ “ U.A.Mingus” (Charles Mingus) for the Rotterdam Dance Academy, live music Big Band Conservatory 2002 ~ “Poemscratchin’nr 17” ( Jeroen Schrader) for Theatre School Amsterdam Jazz/Musical Department ~ “ Mingus u.a.t. “ (Charles Mingus, Kasper Kalf) for Theatre School Amsterdam Jazz/Musical Department 2006 ~ “And then there was …” (Skinfiltr8ter) for Theatre School Amsterdam Jazz/Musical Department 1977-1981 ~ head of Dance Section University of Brussels (B) Department of Physical Education Since 1983~ modern-jazzdance at the Rotterdam Dance Academy (NL) ~ modern-jazzdance at the ’Hoger Instituut voor Dans en Dans-pedagogiek’, Antwerpen (Belgium) 1987-1989 ~ dance/movement for actors at the conservatory in Antwerp 1989-1996~ company classes and dramaturgy at Djazzex Modern-Jazz-dance Company 1989-1993 ~ modern-jazzdance at the ’Stedelijk Instituut voor Ballet’ (B) ~ modern-jazzdance at the ’Theaterschool Amsterdam’ (NL) Department Jazz &Show/Musical ~ modern-jazzdance at the Dansacademy Arnhem (NL) 2000-2006~ modern-jazzdance Theatre School Amsterdam (NL) teaching – masterclasses, workshops, guest-artist residencies 1981-’82 ~ modern jazzdance at Clive Thompson Dancecenter (NY) ~ masterclasses modern-jazz at the dance-department of the Connecticut College (NY) Since 1983~ international workshops and masterclasses in Denmark, France Germany, Switserland, Holland and Belgium 1990 ~ modern-jazzdance at the Statenhogskole, Oslo (Norway) ~ company-classes Rosas (director Anne Teresa de Keersmaeker) Brussels (B) ~ modern-jazzdance: Zomerdansacademie Rotterdam (NL) 1993 ~ company-classes for the ’Rotterdamse Dansgroep’ (director Käthy Gosschalk) and ’Danscity’ (dir. Pieter de Ruiter) ~ modern-jazzdance: ’Zomerdansacademie’ , Rotterdam (NL) 1994~ modern-jazzdans and improvisation-workshop with live music (jazz-Quartet) at the Zomerdansacademie Rotterdam ~ modern-jazzdance at the Conservatory-Prague (Czech Republic), commissioned by The Jiri Kylian Foundation 1995 ~ modern-jazzdance and choreography-workshop with live jazz-music at the ”Zomerdansacademie” in Rotterdam (NL) 1996 ~ International Summerworkshop Munster (Germany) 1996-’97-’98-’99~ International Summerworkshop in Bornem (Belgium) 1997~ International Summerworkshop Antwerpen 1997-’98-’99~ Company-classes at the Rotterdamse dansgroep (director Käthy Gosschalk) 1998-’99 ~ International Summerschool, Paluca Schüle Dresden (Germany) 1998 ~ Fifth International Dance Festival at the Slaski Theatr Tanca, Bytow (Poland) 1999~ guestteacher at the Stella Music Academy Hamburg (Germany) ~ guestteacher at the Icelandic Ballet School , Reykjavik (Iceland) ~ International Summer Course Antwerpen, Belgium 2004 ~ International Summer Campus Izola, Slovenie 2004/2006/2008 ~ Forum International de Jazz Paris, France ~ Nordic Dance Conference Reykjavik, Iceland 2007 Guest teacher Community Arts at Liverpool Institute of the Performing Arts 1991-‘92-’94~ panel member of the International Jazzdance-Competition Freiburg (Germany) Since1998 ~ member of the ’subsidie-commissie-dans’ Rotterdamse Kunst-Stichting 2007 /2008 ~ President Jury Urban Dance Concours Rotterdam NL ~ Jury member Concours National Jazz Paris France Artistic Director Dance Rootsen Routes Summerschool International 2007/2008 Member Lectoraat Community Arts Codarts Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Rotterdam 2008 Artistic Manager Bachelor of Dance in Education Codarts – Rotterdam Dance Academy Košice Master Class 2018
V dňoch 27.-29.10. prebehnú v Kulturparku v Košiciach tanečné workshopy
organizované (našim) Občianskym združením VIVA- tanečná škola.
teacher and choreographer modern jazz dance
Teaching - faculty
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